Wednesday February 12, 2025

Welcome to the THEJOURNALSTORY website at “” (this “Site”), which THEJOURNALSTORY owns (“us” or “we”). Please read this page completely before proceeding to the Site. By accessing or using this Site in any manner, you agree to and are governed by the conditions, policies, and notices listed on this page (these “Terms”), including, but not limited to, doing this transaction electronically.

These terms are valid as of August 27, 2022.


All the information on this site belongs to 2022 THEJOURNALSTORY. Every right is kept. This site has copyrighted text, trademarks, service marks, logos, trade dresses, and other proprietary content. This includes, but is not limited to, text, excerpts from a book, photographs, buttons, images, video, and graphics. The entire selection, coordination, arrangement, and “look and feel” of this site and its content are copyrighted as a collective work under United States copyright laws (the “Content”).

Without the express permission of THEJOURNALSTORY, you may not use, change, republish, frame, licence, transfer, post, transmit, do derivative works from, or use in any other way any Content from this Site, in whole or in part.

Material on this website can’t be copied, distributed, republished, or sent to another website without the THEJOURNALSTORY’s written permission first. Any other use of this site’s content, such as copying, changing, distributing, sending, re-sending, displaying, or performing, is strictly forbidden. Nothing in these Terms should be taken as a licence or right under any of THEJOURNALSTORY’s intellectual property rights, either express or implied.


You shouldn’t use the information on this website instead of talking to your doctor or another professional healthcare provider for medical advice. If you have specific questions about your health, you should talk to your doctor or another medical professional. If you think you might have a medical problem, you should go to the doctor right away. You should never put off seeing a doctor, ignore a doctor’s advice, or stop getting treatment because of something you read on this website.

The THEJOURNALSTORY made the information and materials on this website for general informational purposes only. They should not be taken as medical advice or answers to specific medical problems you may have. No one, whether a client or not, should act or not act based on anything on this site without first talking to a doctor licenced in the recipient’s state about the specific facts and circumstances at hand and getting the right medical or other professional advice. This website has general information that might not be up to date with the latest medical developments. THEJOURNALSTORY takes no responsibility for what you do or don’t do based on any or all of the information on this website.

We try to make sure that the information on this website is correct, but we can’t promise that it is all correct or complete. You should know that medicine always changes and depends on the person. So, information about a certain medical or health issue might not be up-to-date or relevant to your situation. You shouldn’t do or not do anything based on this information until you’ve talked to a professional doctor in your area. When you look at or use any of the information on this site, you are not making a lawyer-client relationship with THEJOURNALSTORY.


Our website is not for kids younger than 13 years old. No one under 13 is allowed to give or post information on or to the Website. We don’t collect personal information from kids under 13 on purpose. Do not use this site or provide any personal information (including your name, address, telephone number, email address, or any screen name or user name you may use) if you are under 13.

If we find out that we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without checking with their parents first, that information will be deleted.

The Children’s Online Privacy 

Protection Act is important to us, and we will follow it (COPPA). Schools and parents should keep an eye on what their kids do online and think about other ways to make the internet a safe place for kids. Visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website at to learn more about COPPA.

If you live in the EU and are under 16 years old, you must get permission from your parents before signing up for any email list. We don’t make products or services for people under 16, so we don’t have a way for their parents to sign off on them.


You must provide us with true, accurate, and current information when creating an account with us. If you don’t do this, you’re breaking the Terms, which could lead to your account on our Service being closed immediately.

You are responsible for keeping your password safe for our Service or a third-party service. You are also responsible for anything that happens while your password is being used.

You agree that you won’t tell anyone else what your password is. If you find out someone has broken into your account or used it without your permission, you must tell us immediately.


We can stop giving you access to our Service anytime, without warning or responsibility, and for any reason, including, but not limited to, if you break the Terms.

Parts of the Terms that, by their very nature, should be in place after the contract is over are. This includes, but is not limited to, ownership rules, warranty disclaimers, indemnity rules, and liability limits.

We can immediately close or suspend your account for any reason, including, but not limited to, if you break the Terms, without giving you any notice or being responsible.


THEJOURNALSTORY may, as a convenience to you, provide links to websites and access to material, products, and services of third parties, including but not limited to affiliates, strategic partners, and other entities (“Linked Sites”). Before you use Linked Sites, you should read their separate terms of service, privacy policies, and other notices. Some of these links have cookies that can be tracked. This means the website owner will know if you’ve visited their site more than once. And they might know that you were on this website before you went to theirs.

THEJOURNALSTORY did not create, edit, or monitor these Linked Sites. THEJOURNALSTORY is not responsible or liable for (a) the availability of or content on such Linked Sites, nor does the presence of a link mean that THEJOURNALSTORY endorses the Linked Sites or vice versa; (b) third-party content accessible through such Linked Sites; (c) any loss or damage you may incur from dealing with any Linked Site; or (d) your dealings with any third parties found on or through this Site. You are responsible for all risks that come with using Linked Sites, third-party services, and talking to or doing business with third parties you find on or through this Site.


If you are the owner of copyrighted materials and believe your rights under United States copyright law have been violated on the Internet, you may seek redress through the DMCA, which can be found at 17 U.S.C. 512.

To report alleged infringements of their protected works that appear on pages contained within the system of an Internet service provider (“ISP”), a legitimate owner of copyrighted materials who has a good faith belief that their copyright has been infringed may contact not only the person or entity infringing on their copyright but also the designated agent of the ISP.

The website’s owner and ISP are devoted to abiding by all applicable local, state, and federal laws, particularly those relating to copyright protection in the United States. This website’s owner and ISP will remove the content claimed to infringe upon receipt of a valid DMCA takedown notice. The website owner and the ISP will send a copy of the notice of claimed copyright infringement to the alleged infringer by the website owner and the ISP. Suppose you have received a copyright infringement notice and believe it was filed against you in error. In that case, you have the right to file a counter notification with the website owner and/or your Internet service provider.


Our organisation is dedicated to providing all employees a healthy and secure environment. We’re able to accomplish this through forming strong relationships with like-minded people and investing in developing long-term, systemic improvements throughout our supply chain. We think that a strong and well-maintained supply chain is essential to the development of a sustainable enterprise.

Code of Conduct

All of our suppliers have read and signed the THEJOURNALSTORY’s Code of Conduct. The International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (including the Forced Labour Convention (No.29), the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (No.105), the Minimum Age Convention (No.138), and the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (No.182)) served as inspiration for this Code of Conduct. The ETI Base Code, one of the most prominent frameworks in the international cosmetics sector, serves as a basis for the Code of Conduct..


The business is aware of the fact that there may be greater danger of forced and trafficked labour in some employment circumstances further down supply chains. Our business associates can employ third-party workers only with our express written permission and only if they are subject to the same level of oversight. Any raw materials used in THEJOURNALSTORY Products must come from sources that are in accordance with applicable local employment laws, and we urge all Partners to attest to this.


This organisation understands that the best way to put its ideals into action is by investing in the growth and independence of its own people. In light of the dangers inherent in manufacturing abroad, we have instituted a training and education programme to make sure key workers, especially those who engage and have ties with our factories, are fully apprised of the procedures and processes in place should any problems arise.

In compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657), the following statement details the measures taken by the THEJOURNALSTORY to eliminate the risk of slavery and human trafficking from its supply chain and other business operations.


THEJOURNALSTORY doesn’t guarantee anything about this site, its content, or any part of it. 

Without taking away from what was said in the last paragraph, THEJOURNALSTORY does not guarantee that this website will be available all the time or at all, or that the information on it is complete, true, accurate, or won’t lead you astray.


THEJOURNALSTORY will not be responsible to you (under contract law, tort law, or any other law) for the content or use of this website or anything else related to it:

[if the website is free, for any direct loss;

for any loss that is indirect, special, or has a big impact; or

loss of contracts or business relationships, loss of reputation or goodwill, loss or corruption of information or data, or loss of revenue, income, profits, or savings that were expected.


Without limiting the generality of the above, THEJOURNALSTORY or any other party involved in creating, producing, or distributing this Site will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or loss of profits, good will, use, data, or other intangible losses (even if they were warned of the possibility of such damages) that result from (a) any delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of this Site or any data or information; (b) any unauthorised access to or use of this Site You agree that this paragraph applies to all of the nutraceuticals, products, and services that can be found on this Site. Because some states don’t let people exclude or limit their responsibility for indirect or incidental damages, liability is limited to the fullest extent allowed by law in those states.

Despite all of this, the THEJOURNALSTORY’s only liability to you for any reason and your only remedy for any cause or claim is limited to the amount you paid for any product, information, or service you bought from us through this Site.

Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act of 1996 says that we are also not responsible for what people say in the comments section of this website. We will delete comments that don’t meet our standards, but if someone says you steal cars, you can’t sue us. You have to sue the person who said that.


By using this website, you agree that the exclusions and limits on liability in this website’s disclaimer are fair. If you don’t agree with them, you can’t use this website.


If any part of this website disclaimer is or is found to be unenforceable under the law, that won’t change how the other parts of this website disclaimer work.


The law says how to use this site. Any claim about the Site or a product bought through the Site must be filed in a federal or state court within one (1) year of when the claim first comes up. Users of this Site agree to have any disagreements about this Site settled in the courts that are most convenient and right for them.


You agree (a) that you have read and understood these Terms and (b) that these Terms have the same force and effect as a signed agreement.


THEJOURNALSTORY may make changes to these Terms at any time. Please check back every so often to see if anything has been added or changed. If you keep using this Site after any updates or changes to these Terms are posted, that means you agree to the changes. If you don’t agree with any part of these Terms or any changes that are made to them later, your only option is to stop using this Site right away.

THEJOURNALSTORY also reserves the right to change or end your access to the Site (or parts of the Site) at any time, temporarily or permanently, with or without notice to you. THEJOURNALSTORY may also limit some features, services, or the whole Site without warning or responsibility. You understand and agree that THEJOURNALSTORY will not be responsible to you or anyone else if THEJOURNALSTORY uses its right to change or end access to this Site or parts of this Site.

Any changes we make to our privacy policy will be posted on this page. If we make big changes to how we handle the personal information of our users, we will let you know by putting a notice on the home page of the Website. At the top of the page, you can see the last time the privacy policy was changed. You are responsible for making sure we have a valid, up-to-date email address for you and for checking our website and this privacy policy from time to time to see if anything has changed.

Prices and stock levels on this site can change at any time without notice.