Highest Rated Hollywood Movies on Netflix
Looking at the IMDB ratings before watching a movie is becoming a habit. A highly rated movie is packed with entertainment and action every second. Wherever you are feeling bored, watch these movies. To save your research time and roaming around the internet, refer to this list of highest rated Hollywood movies on Netflix.
- Parasite (2019)
The parasite is a South Korean comedy thriller film. In the movie, the struggling Kim family sees the opportunity when their son starts working with the wealthy Park family. Soon, they all started working under the family and living a parasitic life.
IMDB: 8.5/10
- Joker (2019)
It is one of the finest movies by Joaquin Phoenix. The movie is based on the harsh reality and differences in society. Arthur Fleck, a struggling comedian, tries to achieve big in life. But, when society turns him and tags him as a freak, he chooses the path of chaos and crime.
IMDB: 8.4/10
- Ozark (2017)
Ozark is one of the best movies on netflix. The movie contains the story of a financial planner who moved her family from Chicago to a summer camp in Ozark. The story revolves around Marty Byrdes who is a successful financial planner.
IMDB: 8.5/10
- Whiplash (2014)
The movie centres around the story of a character trying to become a drummer. By getting mentored by Terence Fletcher and the hard training, he pushes his limits and goes beyond his boundaries.
IMDB: 8.5/10
- The Perks Of Being A Wallpaper (2012)
The movie is based on a novel that has a heart-touching screenplay. The Movie talks about the problems and issues teeagers face while growing up. The main character of the movie had some serious issues.
IMDB: 8/10