5 Ways to Boost Your Creativity
Creativity is not a passive process. Sitting back and waiting for inspiration is not the recipe. You have to look for it around you. Check out some of these fascinating unusual tricks that might help spark your creativity.
Talk a Walk
A study found that people tend to be more creative when they are walking rather than when they are sitting down. Earlier studies have shown that regular physical activity can play an important role in boosting abilities. So instead of sitting back and waiting for a great idea to strike you, go, take a walk.
Reward Yourself
Studies have found that rewards are offered explicitly for producing creative works. So if you are trying to find inspiration, try treating yourself to some treats or maybe a gadget you love to boost up your creativity.
Surround Yourself With Inspiration
Psychologists suggest that surroundings also play a role in the creative process. A dynamic environment can facilitate creativity, so surrounding yourself with things that you find inspiring and motivating can help. Create an office space or work zone that helps you feel energized and inspired. Trigger inventiveness and start looking out for inspirational ideas.
Create Restrictions
When you are trying to solve a puzzle, people often rely on the obvious, building on existing ideas in order to come up with the best solution. This often leads to a good outcome, but it can also lead to mental stress that makes it challenging to think of creative solutions. One way to overcome this is to place some boundaries on your thinking that can actually lead to more creative solutions. Try to limit things you can use to come up with a solution. You might end up coming up with a new and innovative idea that you might have not considered even to be one.
Take a break
Although creativity is a skill and something natural, one can definitely polish it to do better. It is important to also not put too much pressure on yourself. It is completely okay to sit back and not think about anything. Normalize taking a break and letting yourself do nothing. And when you come back you might be hit with a great idea you have been waiting for for a long.